Online Resources: 

Disclaimer: We have done our very best to ensure that the people and organizations we list as resources are ethical, but the Open Minds Foundation cannot be held responsible for their actions. As always, research any organization thoroughly before making any commitment. Many of these websites cover multiple disciplines or offer both information and assistance, and so may be listed several times here. Most of these organizations also host resource pages that are worth checking out. This list is not exhaustive. If you feel there is an assistance organization or informational website we do not list here but should, please contact us here. Please also contact us with any concerns about a website that we list.

Religious Groups

Exploitation in the Name of God


Warning!!!: the Cult Awareness Network (CAN) has been taken over by Scientology. The new name of the Cult Awareness Network is Foundation for Religious Freedom.

The Dialogue Centre UK offers information, understanding and help about high-demand religious or political groups and the effects of involvement with them.

EnCourage was set up in order to offer support to those who have left a cult, abusive group, one on one cult or been spiritually abused (called former members). This includes first generation (joined or recruited) and second/third generation (born and or raised).

The Freedom of Mind Resource Center offers support to those affected by undue influence by providing coaching and consulting services as well as training and educational resources for individuals, families and professionals.

Holding Out HELP provides those who come from a polygamous culture the resources needed to transition from isolation to independence. They currently serve approximately 100 people a year – men, women and children from a polygamist background with housing, food, clothing, counseling, education and countless other referral services.

ICSA, the International Cultic Studies Association, is a global network of people concerned about psychological manipulation and abuse in cultic or high-demand groups, alternative movements, and other environments.

Infosecte International, or Info-Cult, is a nonprofit charitable organization that offers information and help with regard to groups, their ideology, their functioning as well as the interpersonal relationships within a cultic context.

Intervention helps people with destructive cults, mind control, brainwashing, parental alienation, estrangement, abusive relationships, gurus, multi-level marketing, violent extremism and other forms of undue influence.

The Meadowhaven Retreat exists to provide a refuge for former members of high control, destructive groups to rest, heal, and grow.

reFocus is a support and referral organization for former members of high demand groups, relationships and cults.

The Safe Passage Foundation provides resources, support and advocacy for people raised in restrictive, isolated or high-demand communities.

The Wellspring Retreat provides outpatient counseling services for victims of spiritual abuse, psychological abuse, and toxic relationships.


The Apologetics Index provides 47.863+ pages of research resources on religious cults, sects, new religious movements, alternative religions, apologetics-, anticult-, and countercult organizations, doctrines, religious practices and world views.

Cult is a website designed to streamline your search for reliable information on cults and psychological manipulation.

Cult News 101 offers resources about cults, cultic groups, abusive relationships, movements, religions, political organizations and related topics.

The Freedom of Mind Resource Center provides information about destructive cults, mind control, brainwashing, parental alienation, estrangement, unethical hypnosis, abusive relationships, human trafficking, multi-level marketing, violent extremism and other forms of undue influence.

ICSA, the International Cultic Studies Association, offers information about cultic or high-demand groups, alternative movements, and other controlling environments. 

Domestic Abuse

Family and One-on-one Cults


Center for Missing and Exploited Children – helping abused children

Childline UK – help for abused children in the UK

Child USA – help for abused children in the USA

Domestic Violence Helpline – help for those experiencing domestic abuse in the UK

Holding Out HELP provides those who come from a polygamous culture the resources needed to transition from isolation to independence. They currently serve approximately 100 people a year – men, women and children from a polygamist background with housing, food, clothing, counseling, education and countless other referral services.

The Hotline – help for those experiencing domestic abuse in the USA

The Recovery Village – an organization focusing on recovery from substance abuse, this site also offers assistance and resources for those experiencing domestic and relationship abuse.


List of National Domestic Violence Helplines – a list of various domestic violence helplines and organizations

Domestic Violence Research – a database of research and information on domestic abuse

National Resource Center on Domestic Violence – a resource archive of information and research on domestic abuse

The Recovery Village – an organization focusing on recovery from substance abuse, this site also offers assistance and resources for those experiencing domestic and relationship abuse.

Marketing Groups

Multi-level Marketing, Corporate Cults, MagCrew and Other Sales Scams


Specific to sales and corporate groups:

Pyramid Scheme Alert – the first consumer organization to confront the abuses and trickery of pyramid scheme perpetrators. Their Resources page is particularly helpful.

ParentWatch, Inc. – for parents of youth trapped in door-to-door magazine sales

MagCrew – for youth trapped in door-to-door magazine sales

Traveling Sales Crews – for all kinds of traveling sales crew members needing help

More general for high-control groups of all kinds:

The Dialogue Centre UK offers information, understanding and help about high-demand religious or political groups and the effects of involvement with them.

The Freedom of Mind Resource Center offers support to those affected by undue influence by providing coaching and consulting services as well as training and educational resources for individuals, families and professionals.

ICSA, the International Cultic Studies Association, is a global network of people concerned about psychological manipulation and abuse in cultic or high-demand groups, alternative movements, and other environments.

Infosecte International, or Info-Cult, is a nonprofit charitable organization that offers information and help with regard to groups, their ideology, their functioning as well as the interpersonal relationships within a cultic context.

Intervention helps people with destructive cults, mind control, brainwashing, parental alienation, estrangement, abusive relationships, gurus, multi-level marketing, violent extremism and other forms of undue influence.

The Meadowhaven Retreat exists to provide a refuge for former members of high control, destructive groups to rest, heal, and grow.

reFocus is a support and referral organization for former members of high demand groups, relationships and cults.

The Safe Passage Foundation provides resources, support and advocacy for people raised in restrictive, isolated or high-demand communities.

The Wellspring Retreat provides outpatient counseling services for victims of spiritual abuse, psychological abuse, and toxic relationships.


Pyramid Scheme Alert – the first consumer organization to confront the abuses and trickery of pyramid scheme perpetrators. Their Resources page is particularly helpful.

MagCrew – for information about the world of door-to-door magazine sales

FTC Fraudwatch – the United States Government database on various fraudulent organizations

MLMWatch – a database exposing the tactics of Multi-Level-Marketing scams

MLM Truth – guides and research into Multi-Level Marketing scams

Exploitation and Trafficking

Bonded Labor, Modern Slavery, and Labor Trafficking


A21 – a nonprofit organization fueled by radical hope that human beings everywhere will be rescued from bondage and completely restored. They offer direct helplines available in many countries.

Alliance for Workers Against Repression Everywhere (AWARE) – is a coalition of organizations committed to fighting abuses of human rights worldwide, with a specific focus on the rights of oppressed workers who endure a range of abuses, including overwork, forced confinement, non-payment of wages, food deprivation, and psychological, physical, and sexual abuse.

Antislavery – Founded in 1839, they are the oldest international human rights organization in the world.

The Blue Campaign – the unified voice for the U.S. Department of Homeland Security’s (DHS) efforts to combat human trafficking

Polaris Project – help for trafficked individuals, mostly in prostitution

Sowers Education Group – education and help for victims of human trafficking

Traveling Sales Crews – for all kinds of traveling sales crew members needing help National Human Trafficking Resource Center Hotline (US) 1 (888) 373-7888 or text BeFree (233733)


A21 – a nonprofit organization fueled by radical hope that human beings everywhere will be rescued from bondage and completely restored.

Polaris Project – help for trafficked individuals, mostly in prostitution

Sowers Education Group – education and help for victims of human trafficking

 White paper: transnational organized crime– a wealth of information, articles and links to resources.

Therapy Groups

Fake Therapies and Toxic Counselors


Specific to abusive therapy and high-control therapy groups:

The Therapy Exploitation Link Line (TELL) is a resource, referral, and networking organization that seeks to help victims and survivors of exploitation by psychotherapists and other healthcare providers find the support and resources they will need to understand what has happened to them, take action, and heal.

More specific to abusive groups and individuals:

The Dialogue Centre UK offers information, understanding and help about high-demand religious or political groups and the effects of involvement with them.

The Freedom of Mind Resource Center offers support to those affected by undue influence by providing coaching and consulting services as well as training and educational resources for individuals, families and professionals.

ICSA, the International Cultic Studies Association, is a global network of people concerned about psychological manipulation and abuse in cultic or high-demand groups, alternative movements, and other environments.

Infosecte International, or Info-Cult, is a nonprofit charitable organization that offers information and help with regard to groups, their ideology, their functioning as well as the interpersonal relationships within a cultic context.

Intervention helps people with destructive cults, mind control, brainwashing, parental alienation, estrangement, abusive relationships, gurus, multi-level marketing, violent extremism and other forms of undue influence.

The Meadowhaven Retreat exists to provide a refuge for former members of high control, destructive groups to rest, heal, and grow.

reFocus is a support and referral organization for former members of high demand groups, relationships and cults.

The Safe Passage Foundation provides resources, support and advocacy for people raised in restrictive, isolated or high-demand communities.

The Wellspring Retreat provides outpatient counseling services for victims of spiritual abuse, psychological abuse, and toxic relationships.


The Therapy Exploitation Link Line (TELL) is a resource, referral, and networking organization that seeks to help victims and survivors of exploitation by psychotherapists and other healthcare providers find the support and resources they will need to understand what has happened to them, take action, and heal.

Sexual Abuse

Polygamy, Sexual Exploitation, Sex Trafficking, Pedophile Grooming and Rape


The Blue Knot Foundation offers support, education, and training, not only for survivors but for the general public of Australia.

Center for Missing and Exploited Children– helping abused children

Child USA – help for abused children in the USA

Childline UK – help for abused children in the UK

Holding Out HELP provides those who come from a polygamous culture the resources needed to transition from isolation to independence. They currently serve approximately 100 people a year – men, women and children from a polygamist background with housing, food, clothing, counseling, education and countless other referral services.

National Sexual Assault Hotline (USA) – 800.656.HOPE (4673)

Polaris Project – help for victims of commercial sexual abuse and exploitation

National Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children (NSPCC) – specializing in child protection and dedicated to the fight for every childhood, they are the only UK children’s charity with statutory powers giving them the ability to take action to safeguard children at risk of abuse.

Rape, Abuse & Incest National Network – RAINN (Rape, Abuse & Incest National Network) is the nation’s largest anti-sexual violence organization, which carries out programs to prevent sexual violence, help survivors, and ensure that perpetrators are brought to justice.

The Safe Passage Foundation provides resources, support and advocacy for people raised in restrictive, isolated or high-demand communities.

Sowers Education Group – education and help for victims of human trafficking


The Blue Knot Foundation offers support, education, and training, not only for survivors but for the general public of Australia.

Center for Missing and Exploited Children – helping abused children

National Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children (NSPCC) – specializing in child protection and dedicated to the fight for every childhood, they are the only UK children’s charity with statutory powers giving them the ability to take action to safeguard children at risk of abuse.

Polaris Project – help for victims of commercial sexual abuse and exploitation

Tapestry – A Survivor’s Guide to Sexual Assault

Rape, Abuse & Incest National Network – RAINN (Rape, Abuse & Incest National Network) is the nation’s largest anti-sexual violence organization, which carries out programs to prevent sexual violence, help survivors, and ensure that perpetrators are brought to justice.

Political Groups

Manipulation of the People for the People


Specific to political extremism:

RAN-exit (Radicalization Awareness Network) – the European Union clearinghouse of experts in deradicalization and political extremism

More general to abusive groups:

The Dialogue Centre UK offers information, understanding and help about high-demand religious or political groups and the effects of involvement with them.

The Freedom of Mind Resource Center offers support to those affected by undue influence by providing coaching and consulting services as well as training and educational resources for individuals, families and professionals.

ICSA, the International Cultic Studies Association, is a global network of people concerned about psychological manipulation and abuse in cultic or high-demand groups, alternative movements, and other environments.

Infosecte International, or Info-Cult, is a nonprofit charitable organization that offers information and help with regard to groups, their ideology, their functioning as well as the interpersonal relationships within a cultic context.

Intervention helps people with destructive cults, mind control, brainwashing, parental alienation, estrangement, abusive relationships, gurus, multi-level marketing, violent extremism and other forms of undue influence.

The Meadowhaven Retreat exists to provide a refuge for former members of high control, destructive groups to rest, heal, and grow.

reFocus is a support and referral organization for former members of high demand groups, relationships and cults.

The Safe Passage Foundation provides resources, support and advocacy for people raised in restrictive, isolated or high-demand communities.

The Wellspring Retreat provides outpatient counseling services for victims of spiritual abuse, psychological abuse, and toxic relationships.


The Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) is dedicated to fighting hate and bigotry and to seeking justice for the most vulnerable members of our society.

Cult is a website designed to streamline your search for reliable information on cults and psychological manipulation.

Cult News 101 offers resources about cults, cultic groups, abusive relationships, movements, religions, political organizations and related topics. The Freedom of Mind Resource Center provides information about destructive cults, mind control, brainwashing, parental alienation, estrangement, unethical hypnosis, abusive relationships, human trafficking, multi-level marketing, violent extremism and other forms of undue influence. ICSA, the International Cultic Studies Association, offers information about cultic or high-demand groups, alternative movements, and other controlling environments.


Fanatical and Extreme Beliefs


The Quilliam Foundation – a counter-extremism organization

Families for Life – a UK organization helping families combat extremism

RAN-exit (Radicalization Awareness Network) – the European Union clearinghouse of experts in deradicalization


Radicalization Research – an archive of research and information on radicalization

Child, Parental, or Familial Alienation

Alienation, Shunning, Exclusion, Ostracism, or Disconnection

Assistance– provides resources and information for child, parental, or familial alienation.

Information– provides resources and information for child, parental, or familial alienation.

Trauma, Depression, Addiction and Suicide

Help for Coping


Kooth, from XenZone, is an online counselling and emotional well-being platform for children and young people, accessible through mobile, tablet and desktop and free at the point of use, providing Free, safe and anonymous online support for young people.

Harmless is a user-led organization that provides a range of services about self-harm and suicide prevention including support, information, training and consultancy to people who self-harm, their friends and families and professionals and those at risk of suicide.

The Recovery Village – an organization focusing on recovery from substance abuse, this site also offers assistance and resources for those experiencing domestic and relationship abuse.

Those experiencing suicidal thoughts can visit the Suicide Prevention Lifeline or call 1-800-273-TALK (1-800-273-8255).

Information provides researched, fact-based resources for free. Readers can learn about risks of various substances, the latest approaches to treatment and real stories of recovery.

Kooth, from XenZone, is an online counselling and emotional well-being platform for children and young people, accessible through mobile, tablet and desktop and free at the point of use, providing Free, safe and anonymous online support for young people.

Harmless is a user-led organization that provides a range of services about self-harm and suicide prevention including support, information, training and consultancy to people who self-harm, their friends and families and professionals and those at risk of suicide.

The Recovery Village offers comprehensive treatment for dual diagnosis based drug and alcohol rehab, eating disorder and mental health treatments tailored to the patient’s specific needs.


Not Just Kid Stuff


The Bullying Statistics site has information, help and resources for bullying at all ages.

The Olweus Bullying Prevention Program is focused on school bullying prevention research, training information, ongoing programming and training support of their certified Trainer-Consultants. They also maintain the informational site, Violence Prevention Works.

Pacer’s National Bullying Prevention Center maintains a helpful website of prevention and educational materials. has information and help for handling cyberbullying, as well as an extensive resource list. is the official anti-bullying website of the United States Government.

Children and youth in the UK can visit the Childline website for help and support with any problems, including bullying, or call their hotline at 0800 1111.

Those experiencing suicidal thoughts can visit the Suicide Prevention Lifeline or call 1-800-273-TALK (1-800-273-8255).


The Bullying Statistics site has information, help and resources for bullying at all ages.

The Olweus Bullying Prevention Program maintains the informational site, Violence Prevention Works.

Pacer’s National Bullying Prevention Center maintains a helpful website of prevention and educational materials. has information and help for handling cyberbullying, as well as an extensive resource list. is the official anti-bullying website of the United States Government.

Surviving and Thriving

Helpful Resources for Moving On


Starting Out in Mainstream America offers valuable information for those entering or preparing for re-entry into mainstream American life after a long absence with practical solutions for people with needs like: getting a driver’s license, finding a place to live, finding a job or job training, getting health care, and finding your way around the legal system, as well as information about broader concepts like abuse and neglect, communication skills, relationships, parenting skills, and various aspects of mainstream culture like music, movies, and sports.


The Spiritual Safe Haven Network (SSHN) is a program of ICSA, consisting of individuals and religious institutions (churches, synagogues, campus religious organizations, etc.) that want to offer those who have experienced spiritual abuse a “safe haven” providing spiritual solace, information, and community.

Starting Out in Mainstream America offers valuable information for those entering or preparing for re-entry into mainstream American life after a long absence with practical solutions for people with needs like: getting a driver’s license, finding a place to live, finding a job or job training, getting health care, and finding your way around the legal system, as well as information about broader concepts like abuse and neglect, communication skills, relationships, parenting skills, and various aspects of mainstream culture like music, movies, and sports.

Cyberbullying and Online Safety

Resources for A Safe Internet Experience

The Cyberbullying Research Center – providing information, articles and resources for those experiencing cyberbullying.
ikeepsafe – providing a safe digital landscape for children, schools, and families by supporting the protection of student privacy, while advancing learning in a digital culture.
Pacer’s Teens Against Cyberbullying – providing useful information, resources and tips for those experiencing cyberbullying.
ReThink is an award-winning, innovative, nonintrusive, patented technology that effectively detects and stops online hate before the damage is done.

NetSmartz – an interactive, educational program of the National Center for Missing & Exploited Children® (NCMEC) that provides age-appropriate resources to help teach children how to be safer on- and offline.

The Empowering Internet Safety Guide for Women – although intended for women, this blogpost contains detailed and useful information on online safety for everyone.

The Cyberbullying Research Center – providing information, articles and resources for those experiencing cyberbullying.
Pacer’s Teens Against Cyberbullying – providing useful information, resources and tips for those experiencing cyberbullying.
The US Government article on cyberbullying provides useful links and facts.